Friday, September 14, 2007

The Potential Remains

It's been a gloomy week if you are a news or political junkie.

The sixth anniversary of 9/11 came and went and the only thing we know for sure about Osama Bin Laden is that he is alive, relatively well and doing all he can to prosecute his war against us.

Iraq... well... I'll save that for another post soon to follow.

I noticed an article on that I wanted to share that made me feel better about the world - or at least it's potential - so I thought I would pass it along to anybody that it interested.

It was almost 40 years ago that the United States sent the first human beings to the Moon. We don't think about this accomplishment much these days - both because so much time has passed and because it seems that little has been done to build upon it.

I recognize that many do not support the space program - and there are some respectable arguments to be made that the money could be better spent elsewhere.

But I think it would be hard for any one to argue that the Moon landings were not an extraordinary accomplishment with respect to the science, engineering and perhaps most importantly, human collaboration. History will credit Neil Armstrong with making the first footprint on the Moon, but it took took tens of thousands of people working together to get him there and back safely - and few (if any) of them got rich doing it.

For this reason, the achievement maintains extraordinary value as a symbol of what Mankind could achieve in the future given the right context and leadership.

There are cynics that think hope is worthless. I admit, it certainly won't feed your family.

But it does keep people vigilant and pursuing opportunities to improve their lives and their communities. For this reason, it is important - particularly when things are down - to remember how well things have gone in the past. This reminds us of how well things can go if we persevere.


Megan said...

I love this post! I'm a huge fan of the space program, though I haven't considered the other ways the money can be spent and I've been saddened by the recent, fatal failures. At one point in my youth, I wanted to be an astronaut, and I even went to Space Camp in eighth grade.

Just wanted you to know that I'm here, reading. I appreciate you're well-thought-out and thought-provoking essays.

For a bit of lighter reading :), you can jump over to my blog if you want to. I'm knee-deep in babies, so that's usually what I write about. It's a way for me to use my english degree, I guess :).

Unknown said...

When I despair, I remember that all through history, the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time they seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it: always.


Jared said...

Great to hear from you, Megan! Thanks for reading :)

Love the quote Steve. History does seem to teach that lesson... the sad part is that it sometimes takes a generation or three! Seems as though that will be the case with our current struggles... especially if we can't start fighting them in a more effective manner...