Sunday, February 25, 2007

Introduction to Project Vote Smart

I ran into Project Vote Smart recently and immediately thought of posting a link to it on this blog. I held off because I wanted to take the time to survey the site to see if it was useful and genuine in its intent.

After having done that, I am excited to post a permanent link to it in the "Learn" section of this blog.

The purpose of this non-profit organization is to give voters a central source of issue related information on candidates and elected officials. It contains links to their voting records, interest group ratings and public speeches.

The Project has an impressive and diverse Board - including prominent leaders on the left and the right of the American political spectrum.

Project Vote Smart has been around for several years now. Hopefully, it will gain enough traction in the coming months to have a meaningful impact on the 2008 elections. I encourage all of you to pass on the link to your friends.

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